Switching between different conformers of a molecule: multilevel memory elements

Das, Bikas C. ; Pal, Amlan J. (2008) Switching between different conformers of a molecule: multilevel memory elements Organic Electronics, 9 (1). pp. 39-44. ISSN 1566-1199

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We report voltage-driven electrical bistability in an organic semiconductor, namely Ponceau SS. Conductance switching to different levels or "multilevel switching" in devices based on thin-films is due to different density of high-conducting molecules. In a monolayer of Ponceau SS, we have observed one low-conducting and two high-conducting states. This is due to three configurable planes of the molecule exhibiting at least two stable high-conducting conformers. Apart from establishing conductance switching to be a molecular phenomenon, the multilevel conductance in a monolayer shows that a single molecule can exhibit multilevel memory application.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Conductance Switching; Memory Phenomenon; Multilevel Memory; Molecular Multilevel Memory
ID Code:65724
Deposited On:18 Oct 2011 09:06
Last Modified:18 Oct 2011 09:06

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