Fold prediction and comparative modeling of Bdm1: a probable α/β hydrolase associated with hot water epilepsy

Bhaduri, Anirban ; Krishnaswamy, Lakshminarasimhan ; Ullal, Gautam R. ; Panicker, Mitradas M. ; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan (2003) Fold prediction and comparative modeling of Bdm1: a probable α/β hydrolase associated with hot water epilepsy Journal of Molecular Modeling, 9 (1). pp. 3-8. ISSN 1610-2940

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Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a benign and rare form of reflex epilepsy that occurs most commonly in humans. Bdm1 is one of the proteins whose mRNA transcript is overexpressed during HWE in a rat model. We show, by sequence analysis and fold recognition methods, that Bdm1 has strong structural similarities to α/β hydrolases like the thioesterases. A three-dimensional model derived by comparative modeling methods allowed the search for catalytic residues using a flexible functional template characteristic of these enzymes. We predict that Bdm1 might be regulated by homocysteine levels by means of direct participation in degradation pathways.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
Keywords:α/β Hydrolases; Kindling; Function Prediction; Homology Modeling; Distant Relationships; Homocysteine
ID Code:61220
Deposited On:15 Sep 2011 03:55
Last Modified:15 Sep 2011 03:55

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