Diastereoselective oxyselenylation of 1,n-diolefins utilizing PET generated [PhSeSePh]+. as an electrophilic species: an efficient and general strategy for the synthesis of α,α'-trans-dialkyl cyclic ethers

Pandey, Ganesh ; Sochanchingwung, R. ; Tiwari, Shashi Kant (1999) Diastereoselective oxyselenylation of 1,n-diolefins utilizing PET generated [PhSeSePh]+. as an electrophilic species: an efficient and general strategy for the synthesis of α,α'-trans-dialkyl cyclic ethers Synlett, 1999 (8). pp. 1257-1258. ISSN 0936-5214

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Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-1999-2809


PET-generated electrophilic selenium species [PhSeSePh]+. are found to effect stereoselective oxyselenylation of I,n- dioletins (I) leading to a novel methodology to the synthesis of α,α ' -trans-dialkyl cyclic ethers (8).

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Thieme Medical Publishers.
Keywords:Photosensitized Electron Transfer(PET); Episelenonium Radical Cation; Oxyselenylation; α, α'-trans-dialkyl Cyclic Ethers
ID Code:61003
Deposited On:13 Sep 2011 11:27
Last Modified:13 Sep 2011 11:27

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