A Novel photosystem for harvesting visible light to drive photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reductions: β-activation of α, β-unsaturated ketones for radical cyclizations

Pandey, Ganesh ; Hajra, Saumen (1994) A Novel photosystem for harvesting visible light to drive photoinduced electron transfer (PET) reductions: β-activation of α, β-unsaturated ketones for radical cyclizations Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 33 (11). pp. 1169-1171. ISSN 1433-7851

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Now reductions induced by sunlight are also possible. The photosystem here, which absorbs visible light and transfers electrons from an electron donor D to an electron acceptor A and then to a substrate, is composed of D = Ph3P and A = dicyanoanthracene. Enones 1 were chosed as substrates. After reduction to the radical anion they cyclize to form 2. This conversion is a variant of a cyclization mediated by tin hydride but without toxic side products. R = CN, CO2Et; n = 1, 2.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to John Wiley and Sons.
ID Code:60981
Deposited On:13 Sep 2011 11:25
Last Modified:13 Sep 2011 11:25

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