Kinetic equations for a plasma

Varma, Ram K. (1962) Kinetic equations for a plasma Physics of Fluids, 5 (5). pp. 525-533. ISSN 1070-6631

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Starting with Liouville's equation, a set of equations is derived in the random-phase approximation for the evolution of the spatial Fourier components of the complete distribution function of a particle in a plasma. A procedure is used which takes account of all the contributions coming from many-body interactions in the random-phase approximation. The equations thus describe the collective part of the response of plasma to the particle. The equations which have the structure of the Fokker-Planck equation describe collisions of electrons carrying an envelope of plasma waves emitted by them. It is shown that in the Markoff approximation this envelope degenerates into a Debye shielding cloud, so that in this approximation the equations describe the collisions of electrons clothed in Debye shielding clouds.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Institute of Physics.
ID Code:58389
Deposited On:31 Aug 2011 06:11
Last Modified:31 Aug 2011 06:11

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