Coronas in olivine metagabbros from the Proterozoic Chotanagpur terrain at Mathurapur, Bihar, India

Mall, A. P. ; Sharma, R. S. (1988) Coronas in olivine metagabbros from the Proterozoic Chotanagpur terrain at Mathurapur, Bihar, India Lithos, 21 (4). pp. 291-300. ISSN 0024-4937

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The Proterozoic Mathurapur olivine metagabbros possess several types of coronas due to subsolidus reactions between igneous mineral pairs. viz. olivine-plagioclase, ilmenite-plagioclase and pyroxenes-plagioclase. Microprobe analyses of coexisting primary and coronitic minerals from different corona domains, indicate attainment of equilibrium. Mineral chemical data of primary (reactants) and coronitic (products) minerals from the present metagabbros and also from similar studies in the literature are critically examined to evaluate the chemistry of corona reactions by mixing calculations assuming boundary migration. The mass-balanced corona equations are consistent with the allochemical system and do not show volume imbalance. However, SiO2 and Al2O3 in olivine-plagioclase coronas remain immobile, which indicates that the corona reactions therein proceeded with minimum structural rearrangements of (Si.Al)---O bonds.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:53458
Deposited On:08 Aug 2011 13:05
Last Modified:08 Aug 2011 13:05

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