Nearest neighbors search using point location in balls with applications to approximate Voronoi decompositions

Sabharwal, Yogish ; Sharma, Nishant ; Sen, Sandeep (2006) Nearest neighbors search using point location in balls with applications to approximate Voronoi decompositions Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 72 (6). pp. 955-977. ISSN 0022-0000

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We present alternate reductions of the nearest neighbor searching problem to Point Location in Balls that reduces the space bound of Sariel Har-Peled's [S. Har-Peled, A replacement for Voronoi diagrams of near linear size, in: Proc. of IEEE FOCS, 2001, pp. 94-103, full version available from] recent result on Approximate Voronoi Diagrams to linear while maintaining the logarithmic search time. We do this by simplifying the construction of [S. Har-Peled, A replacement for Voronoi diagrams of near linear size, in: Proc. of IEEE FOCS, 2001, pp. 94-103, full version available from] that reduces the number of balls generated by algorithm by a logarithmic factor to O(nlogn). We further reduce the number of balls by a new hierarchical decomposition scheme and a generalization of PLEBs to achieve linear space decomposition for nearest neighbor searching. The construction of our data structures takes O(nlogn) time.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Voronoi Diagrams; Approximate Nearest Neighbor; Data Structures
ID Code:53440
Deposited On:08 Aug 2011 12:13
Last Modified:08 Aug 2011 12:13

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