Theoretical studies on the conformations of aldohexopyranose pentaacetates

Vijayalakshmi, K. S. ; Rao, V. S. R. (1973) Theoretical studies on the conformations of aldohexopyranose pentaacetates Carbohydrate Research, 29 (2). pp. 427-437. ISSN 0008-6215

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The net charges on various atoms of aldohexopyranose pentaacetates were computed by using the MO-LCAO method of Del Re for σ-charges and the Hückel MO method for p-charges. The potential and free energies of sixteen aldohexopyranose pentaacetates in the C1(D) and 1C(D) conformations were estimated. Minimization of the energies of these conformations was studied by suitably tilting the axial C---C and C---O bonds. As with the free sugars, considerable release of strain is achieved when tilts of 4.5 and 2° are given to the axial CH2OAc and the axial OAc groups, respectively, involved in the Hassel-Ottar effect in the 1C(D) conformations. In the case of C1(D) conformations, the ideal models have the minimum energy even when the acetate groups are involved in syn-axial interactions, indicating that strain induced by axial acetate groups is less than that of axial hydroxyl groups. The calculated free-energies agree well with the experimental values after adding a value of 0.9 kcal.mole-1 for the anomeric effect of the acetoxyl group. The free-energy calculations also predict that α -D-idohexopyranose pentaacetate and α -D-altrose pentaacetate favour the C1(D) conformation and β -D-idose pentaacetate a C1; 1C equilibrium in solution, in agreement with n.m.r. studies.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:53066
Deposited On:04 Aug 2011 14:53
Last Modified:04 Aug 2011 14:53

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