Learning optimal discriminant functions through a cooperative game of automata

Thathachar, M. A. L. ; Sastry, P. S. (1987) Learning optimal discriminant functions through a cooperative game of automata IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 17 (1). pp. 73-85. ISSN 0018-9472

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The problem of learning correct decision rules to minimize the probability of misclassification is a long-standing problem of supervised learning in pattern recognition. The problem of learning such optimal discriminant functions is considered for the class of problems where the statistical properties of the pattern classes are completely unknown. The problem is posed as a game with common payoff played by a team of mutually cooperating learning automata. This essentially results in a probabilistic search-through the space of classifiers. The approach is inherently capable of learning discriminant functions that are nonlinear in their parameters also. A learning algorithm is presented for the team and convergence is established. It is proved that the team can obtain the optimal classifier to an arbitrary approximation. Simulation results with a few examples are presented where the team learns the optimal classifier.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to IEEE.
ID Code:51336
Deposited On:28 Jul 2011 11:58
Last Modified:28 Jul 2011 11:58

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