Spin Dynamics of Sr14Cu24O41 two-leg ladder studied by Raman spectroscopy

Gozar, A. ; Blumberg, G. ; Dennis, B. S. ; Shastry, B. S. ; Motoyama, N. ; Eisaki, H. ; Uchida, S. (2001) Spin Dynamics of Sr14Cu24O41 two-leg ladder studied by Raman spectroscopy Physical Review Letters, 87 (19). 197202_1-197202_4. ISSN 0031-9007

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Official URL: http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v87/i19/e197202

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.197202


The two-magnon (2M) excitation at 3000 cm-1 in Sr14Cu24O41 two-leg ladder is studied by Raman scattering. A slight anisotropy of the superexchange coupling J/JII ≈ 0.8 with JII = 110 ± 20meV is proposed from the analysis of the magnetic scattering. The resonant coupling across the charge transfer gap increases the 2M intensity by orders of magnitude. The anisotropy of Raman scattering is dependent upon the excitation energy. The 2M relaxation is found to be correlated with the temperature dependent electronic Raman continuum at low frequencies.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The American Physical Society.
ID Code:51271
Deposited On:28 Jul 2011 07:21
Last Modified:18 May 2016 05:17

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