Recombination of bacteriophage λ in recD mutants of Escherichia coli

Thaler, David S. ; Sampson, Elizabeth ; Siddiqi, Imran ; Rosenberg, Susan M. ; Thomason, Lynn C. ; Stahl, Franklin W. ; Stahl, Mary M. (1989) Recombination of bacteriophage λ in recD mutants of Escherichia coli Genome, 31 (1). pp. 53-67. ISSN 0831-2796

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RecBCD enzyme is centrally important in homologous recombination in Escherichia coli and is the source of ExoV activity. Null alleles of either the recB or the recC genes, which encode the B and C subunits, respectively, manifest no recombination and none of the nuclease functions characteristic of the holoenzyme. Loss of the D subunit, by a recD mutation, likewise results in loss of ExoV activity. However, mutants lacking the D subunit are competent for homologous recombination. We report that the distribution of exchanges along the chromosome of RedGamphage λ is strikingly altered by recD null mutations in the host. When λ DNA replication is blocked, recombination in recD mutant strains is high near λ's right end. In contrast, recombination in isogenic recD+ strains is approximately uniform along λ unless the λ chromosome contains a χ sequence. Recombination in recD mutant strains is focused toward the site of action of a type II restriction enzyme acting in vivo on λ. The distribution of exchanges in isogenic recD+ strains is scarcely altered by the restriction enzyme (unless the phage contains an otherwise silent χ). The distribution of exchanges in recD mutants is strongly affected by λ DNA replication. The distribution of exchanges on λ growing in rec+ cells is not influenced by DNA replication. The exchange distribution along λ in recD mutant cells is independent of χ in a variety of conditions. Recombination in rec+ cells is χ influenced. Recombination in recD mutants depends on recC function, occurs in strains deleted for rac prophage, and is independent of recJ, which is known to be required for λ recombination via the RecF pathway. We entertain two models for recombination in recD mutants: (i) recombination in recD mutants may proceed via double-chain break-repair, as it does in λ's Red pathway and E. coli's RecE pathway; (ii) the RecBC enzyme, missing its D subunit, is equivalent to the wild-type, RecBCD, enzyme after that enzyme has been activated by a χ sequence.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to NRC Research Press.
Keywords:χ Sequence; RecBCD Pathway; Red Pathway; RecBc Pathway
ID Code:50415
Deposited On:23 Jul 2011 10:50
Last Modified:23 Jul 2011 10:50

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