Damage spreading in the Q2R Ising model

Glotzer, Sharon C. ; Stauffer, Dietrich ; Sastry, Srikanth (1990) Damage spreading in the Q2R Ising model Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 164 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0378-4371

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We find evidence of metastability in the spreading of damage in the Q2R cellular automaton approximation for a 2D Ising system which is first equilibrated with a standard Metropolis simulation. A subsequent study of both single-site and whole-line damage spreading in Metropolis/Q2R systems as well as in pure Q2R systems shows a logarithmic dependence of the damage-spreading threshold on time, and saturation effects in single-site damage suggest a transition in the damage-spreading threshold at low initial energy values. Examination of the magnetization as a function of energy in pure Q2R shows extremely long relaxation times for p<pc, which may bear some relation to the extremely slow convergence of the damage-spreading threshold.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:50173
Deposited On:21 Jul 2011 14:23
Last Modified:21 Jul 2011 14:23

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