Idiotype and antigen-specific T cell responses in mice on immunization with antigen, antibody, and anti-idiotypic antibody

Mitra-Kaushik, Shibani ; Shaila, M. S. ; Karande, Anjali K. ; Nayak, Rabindranath (2001) Idiotype and antigen-specific T cell responses in mice on immunization with antigen, antibody, and anti-idiotypic antibody Cellular Immunology, 209 (2). pp. 109-119. ISSN 0008-8749

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Idiotypic determinants of immunoglobulin molecules can evoke both CD4+ and CD8+ T responses and exist not only as the integral components of a bona fide antigen binding receptor but also as distinct molecular entities in the processed forms on the cell surface of B lymphocytes. The present work provides experimental evidence for the concept that regulation of memory B cell populations can be achieved through the presentation of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic determinants to helper and cytotoxic cell (1). The potential of B cells to present antigens to helper and cytotoxic T cells through class II and class I MHC suggests a mechanism by which both B and T cell homeostasis can be maintained. We provide evidence for the generation of idiotype- and antigen-specific Th and Tc cells upon immunization of syngenic mice with antigen or idiotypic antibody (Ab1) or anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2). The selective activation and proliferation of the antigen-specific Th and Tc cells mediated by idiotypic stimulation observed in these experiments suggests a B-cell-driven mechanism for the maintenance of antigen-specific T cell memory in the absence of antigenic stimulation, under certain conditions.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Idiotype; Immunological Memory; Relay Hypothesis
ID Code:49289
Deposited On:19 Jul 2011 13:59
Last Modified:19 Jul 2011 13:59

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