Negative resistance in cadmium sulphide films

Patil, S. G. ; Sinha, A. P. B. (1967) Negative resistance in cadmium sulphide films British Journal of Applied Physics, 18 (3). pp. 361-362. ISSN 0508-3443

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(I, V) characteristics of aluminium-cadmium-sulphide-aluminium (or indium) thin film structures have been studied. After an irreversible breakdown, the (I, V) curve shows an interesting dual negative resistance phenomenon. When the upper electrode is positive the curve first follows a low-conductivity path from which it switches over to a high-conductivity state through a current-controlled negative resistance. On decreasing the voltage, the high-conductivity path is maintained until a critical voltage in the opposite direction is reached when the structure switches back to the low-conductivity state through a voltage-controlled negative resistance region.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Institute of Physics.
ID Code:48948
Deposited On:18 Jul 2011 09:32
Last Modified:18 Jul 2011 09:32

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