The Pd-H system revisited: an XPS and UPS study

Sinha, S. ; Badrinarayanan, S. ; Sinha, A. P. B. (1986) The Pd-H system revisited: an XPS and UPS study Journal of Physics F - Metal Physics, 16 (9). L229-L232. ISSN 0305-4608

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The authors have explored the possibility of using H2+ ion implantation to produce a Pd-H system for electron spectroscopic studies. This has been achieved by in situ implantation in a VG Scientific ESCA-3 MkII electron spectrometer using the AG-2 sputter ion gun. XPS and UPS studies were carried out on these samples. The results are in agreement with band-structure calculations and with XPS and UPS studies on the Pd-H system prepared by conventional methods.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Institute of Physics.
ID Code:48947
Deposited On:18 Jul 2011 09:57
Last Modified:18 Jul 2011 09:57

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