Studies on the reversible aggregation of cysteine-capped colloidal silver particles interconnected via hydrogen bonds

Mandal, Saikat ; Gole, Anand ; Lala, Neeta ; Gonnade, Rajesh ; Ganvir, Vivek ; Sastry, Murali (2001) Studies on the reversible aggregation of cysteine-capped colloidal silver particles interconnected via hydrogen bonds Langmuir, 17 (20). pp. 6262-6268. ISSN 0743-7463

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The surface modification of aqueous silver colloidal particles with the amino acid cysteine and the cross-linking of the colloidal particles in solution is described. Capping of the silver particles with cysteine is accomplished by a thiolate bond between the amino acid and the nanoparticle surface. The silver colloidal particles are stabilized electrostatically by ionizing the carboxylic acid groups of cysteine. Aging of the cysteine-capped colloidal solution leads to aggregation of the particles via hydrogen bond formation between amino acid molecules located on neighboring silver particles. The aggregation is reversible upon heating the solution above 60 °C. The rate of cross-linking of the silver particles via hydrogen bond formation may be accelerated by screening the repulsive electrostatic interactions between the particles using salt. The process of aggregation and heat-induced dispersion of the particles has been studied by UV-vis spectroscopy, laser light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy measurements.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Chemical Society.
ID Code:47093
Deposited On:06 Jul 2011 14:11
Last Modified:06 Jul 2011 14:11

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