Tree unitarity in broken supergravity: (II). Double gravitino amplitude

Bhattacharya, Tanmoy ; Roy, Probir (1989) Tree unitarity in broken supergravity: (II). Double gravitino amplitude Nuclear Physics B, 328 (2). pp. 481-498. ISSN 0550-3213

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High energy tree unitarity is investigated in a spontaneously broken N=1 supergravity theory with a gauge as well as a matter sector through the amplitude for the process gauge boson + gauge boson → gravitino. Both the leading and the next-to-leading energy dependences get cancelled through supercurrent conservation and the super-Higgs mechanism respectively. The surviving energy growth leads to a unitary violation at a critical c.m. energy Ecr~ 4κ−1√3 π(⅙m2m−23/2−1/5)−½. The requirement Ecr≳κ−1 implies the upper bounds 12(2π+1/120)½ and [96πκ−1m23/2m−1g]½ respectively on the gaugino -gravitino mass ratio mm−13/2 and the r.m.s. mass (mS2+mP2)½ of the lightest gauge-singlet scalar a nd pseudoscalar.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:46480
Deposited On:05 Jul 2011 06:14
Last Modified:05 Jul 2011 06:14

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