Resonant photoemission studies of the magnetic-nonmagnetic U(Sn,In)3 system

Sarma, D. D. ; Krummacher, S. ; Gudat, W. ; Lin, C. L. ; Zhou, L. W. ; Crow, J. E. ; Koelling, D. D. (1994) Resonant photoemission studies of the magnetic-nonmagnetic U(Sn,In)3 system Physica B: Condensed Matter, 199-200 . pp. 622-624. ISSN 0921-4526

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Results of 5d-5f resonant photoemission studies on the related series of uranium intermetallic compounds, U(SnxIn1−x)3 for X=1.0, 0.5 and 0.0 are presented. Various features seen in the spectra are analyzed in terms of calculated partial densities of states. With the help of difference spectra between on and off resonance spectra obtained at photon energies of 98 and 92 eV, respectively, it is shown that spectral shapes of the U 5f related features do not exhibit any significant change within the series, even though the electronic and magnetic properties of these compounds are drastically different. A brief discussion of the implications of these observations is also presented.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:46459
Deposited On:04 Jul 2011 11:47
Last Modified:04 Jul 2011 11:47

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