New cosmological singularities in Braneworld models

Shtanov, Yuri ; Sahni, Varun (2002) New cosmological singularities in Braneworld models Classical and Quantum Gravity, 19 (11). L101-L107. ISSN 0264-9381

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Higher-dimensional braneworld models which contain both bulk and brane curvature terms in the action admit cosmological singularities of rather unusual form and nature. These 'quiescent' singularities, which can occur both during the contracting as well as the expanding phase, are characterized by the fact that while the matter density and Hubble parameter remain finite, all higher derivatives of the scale factor (a· a··· etc) diverge as the cosmological singularity is approached. The singularities are the result of the embedding of the (3 + 1)-dimensional brane in the bulk and can exist even in an empty homogeneous and isotropic (FRW) universe. The possibility that the present universe may expand into a singular state is discussed.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Institute of Physics.
ID Code:46249
Deposited On:04 Jul 2011 11:11
Last Modified:04 Jul 2011 11:11

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