Magnetic behavior of spin-chain compounds, Sr3ZnRhO6 and Ca3NiMnO6, from heat capacity and ac susceptibility studies

Rayaprol, S. ; Sengupta, Kausik ; Sampathkumaran, E. V. ; Matsushita, Y. (2004) Magnetic behavior of spin-chain compounds, Sr3ZnRhO6 and Ca3NiMnO6, from heat capacity and ac susceptibility studies Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 177 (10). pp. 3270-3273. ISSN 0022-4596

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Heat-capacity (C) and ac susceptibility measurements have been performed on the spin-chain compounds, Sr3ZnRhO6 and Ca3NiMnO6, to establish their magnetic behavior and to explore whether there are magnetic frustration effects due to antiferromagnetic coupling of the chains arranged in a triangular fashion. While the paramagnetic Curie temperatures have been known to be large with a negative sign, as though antiferromagnetic interaction is very strong, the results establish that (i) the former apparently undergoes inhomogeneous magnetic ordering only around 15 K, however without spin-glass anomalies, and (ii) the latter orders antiferromagnetically at a relatively low temperature (17 K). Thus, the magnetic frustration manifests differently in these compounds.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Spin-chain Compounds; Sr3ZnRhO6; Ca3NiMnO6; Heat-Capacity
ID Code:45740
Deposited On:29 Jun 2011 03:30
Last Modified:29 Jun 2011 03:30

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