BPS states on a three-brane probe

Sen, Ashoke (1997) BPS states on a three-brane probe Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 55 (4). pp. 2501-2503. ISSN 1550-7998

PDF - Author Version

Official URL: http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v55/i4/p2501_1

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.55.2501


Recently Banks, Douglas, and Seiberg have shown that the world-volume theory of a three-brane of type IIB theory in the presence of a configuration of four Dirichlet seven-branes and an orientifold plane is described by an N=2 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory with four quark flavors in 3+1 dimensions. In this paper we show how the BPS mass formula for N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory arises from masses of open strings stretched between the three-brane and the seven-brane along appropriate geodesics.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The American Physical Society.
ID Code:44163
Deposited On:20 Jun 2011 13:13
Last Modified:18 May 2016 00:57

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