Direct observation of amophization in load rate dependent nanoindentation studies of crystalline Si

Das, C. R. ; Dhara, S. ; Jeng, Yeau-Ren ; Tsai, Ping-Chi ; Hsu, H. C. ; Baldev Raj, ; Bhaduri, A. K. ; Albert, S. K. ; Tyagi, A. K. ; Chen, L. C. ; Chen, K. H. (2010) Direct observation of amophization in load rate dependent nanoindentation studies of crystalline Si Applied Physics Letters, 96 (25). 253113_1-253113_3. ISSN 0003-6951

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Indentation at very low load rate showed region of constant volume with releasing load in crystalline (c-)Si, indicating a direct observation of liquidlike amorphous phase which is incompressible under pressure. Signature of amorphization is also confirmed from load dependent indentation study where increased amount of amorphized phase is made responsible for the increasing elastic recovery of the sample with increasing load. Ex situ Raman study confirmed the presence of amorphous phase at the center of indentation. The molecular dynamic simulation has been employed to demonstrate that the effect of indentation velocities has a direct influence on c-Si during nanoindentation processes.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Institute of Physics.
ID Code:40435
Deposited On:24 May 2011 06:06
Last Modified:17 May 2016 22:31

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