Violet absorption edges of C IV lines in Wolf-Rayet spectra: possible superposition with diffuse interstellar bands at 5780Å and 5797Å

Giridhar, Sunitra ; Bappu, M. K. V. (1978) Violet absorption edges of C IV lines in Wolf-Rayet spectra: possible superposition with diffuse interstellar bands at 5780Å and 5797Å Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletin, Series A, 2 (3). pp. 161-163. ISSN 0374-3632

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It is shown that the violet edges normally seen in Wolf-Rayet stars around 5800Å are principally due to displaced C IV absorption. The diffuse interstellar bands are seldom of comparable strength and can be seen separately if the absorption characteristics of the envelope of the Wolf-Rayet stars are such as to avoid an overlap between the two.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Institute of Astrophysics.
Keywords:Wolf-Rayet Stars; Diffuse Interstellar Bands; Violet Absorption Edges
ID Code:38127
Deposited On:23 Apr 2011 09:51
Last Modified:17 May 2016 21:02

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