Evidence for recombination among the tomato leaf curl virus strains/species from Bangalore, India

Kirthi, N. ; Maiya, S. P. ; Murthy, M. R. N. ; Savithri, H. S. (2002) Evidence for recombination among the tomato leaf curl virus strains/species from Bangalore, India Archives of Virology, 147 (2). pp. 255-272. ISSN 0304-8608

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Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) belongs to the Begomovirus genus of the family Geminiviridae. These viruses have circular single stranded DNA molecules as their genome encapsidated in icosahedral geminate particles. Generally the Begomoviruses are bipartite with respect to their genomic composition. ToLCV from South India is unique in that only DNA A component has been isolated and sequenced thus far and there is no evidence for the presence of DNA B component. In this communication we report the genomic sequences of DNA A component of two strains of Tomato leaf curl Bangalore virus (ToLCBV), one from Bangalore, ToLCBV [Ban 5] and the other from Kolar (70 kms from Bangalore), ToLCBV [Kolar]. We have examined the possibility of recombination between strains/species that co-exist within the same geographical location. A novel method has been used to analyze the variation of ToLCV sequences reported from Bangalore and to assess the frequency and importance of recombinational events among the strains/species existing in Bangalore. The results indicate that there are potential sites of recombination in AV1, AV2, AC1 and intergenic regions of the viral genome and this accounts for the observed variability in these strains/species.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
ID Code:37117
Deposited On:28 Apr 2011 05:57
Last Modified:16 Nov 2011 14:01

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