Transversely projective structures on a transversely holomorphic foliation, II

Biswas, Indranil (2002) Transversely projective structures on a transversely holomorphic foliation, II Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, 6 . pp. 61-73. ISSN 1088-4173

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Given a transversely projective foliation F on a C manifold M and a nonnegative integer k, a transversal differential operator DF(2k + 1) of order 2k + 1 from N ⊗k to N⊗(-k-1) is constructed, where N denotes the normal bundle for the foliation. There is a natural homomorphism from the space of all infinitesimal deformations of the transversely projective foliation F to the first cohomology of the locally constant sheaf over M defined by the kernel of the operator DF(3). On the other hand, from this first cohomology there is a homomorphism to the first cohomology of the sheaf of holomorphic sections of N. The composition of these two homomorphisms coincide with the infinitesimal version of the forgetful map that sends a transversely projective foliation to the underlying transversely holomorphic foliation.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Mathematical Society.
ID Code:3647
Deposited On:18 Oct 2010 10:10
Last Modified:16 May 2016 14:24

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