Effect of clomiphene on fertility in male rats

Karla, S. P. ; Prasad, M. R. N. (1967) Effect of clomiphene on fertility in male rats Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 14 (1). pp. 39-48. ISSN 0022-4251

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The effects of long-term administration of clomiphene on immature, intact male rats and their reproductive performance following cessation of treatment are reported. Clomiphene, at a dose of 250 μg/day or higher, inhibited spermatogenesis at the primary spermatocyte stage, the Leydig cells were atrophic and consequently the accessory glands were non-secretory. The testis resumed normal spermatogenesis immediately following withdrawal of treatment and spermatozoa appeared in the seminiferous tubules within 30 days of the period of recovery. The recovered males sired normal young when caged with virgin cycling females. It is suggested that the inhibitory effects on the testes and accessory glands following long-term administration of clomiphene are due to the oestrogenicity of the compound which may modify the synthesis and/or release of the gonadotrophins mediated through the hypothalamo-hypophysial axis. The results are discussed in relation to the sequence of recovery of the gonads and accessory glands.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Society for Reproduction and Fertility.
ID Code:32059
Deposited On:24 May 2011 14:59
Last Modified:24 May 2011 14:59

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