Metamorphic history of the Jutogh Series in the Simla klippe, lower Himalayas

Naha, K. ; Ray, S. K. (1970) Metamorphic history of the Jutogh Series in the Simla klippe, lower Himalayas Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 28 (2). pp. 147-164. ISSN 0010-7999

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The metamorphic rocks of the Jutogh Series around Simla, structurally overlying the less metamorphosed rock groups along a thrust contact, have been involved in three phases of deformation and two episodes of metamorphism. The first metamorphism is in the albite-epidote-amphibolite facies in a major part of the area, reaching the amphibolite facies locally in the central part. This metamorphism is late-to post-kinematic with reference to the F1 movement, the thermal peak having been reached in a post-F1 pre-F2 static phase. The second metamorphism, syn-to post-tectonic with respect to F2 but preceding F3, is generally in the greenschist facies, and only locally in the albite-epidote-amphibolite facies in the higher structural levels. Metamorphic overprinting has caused widespread retrogression and disequilibrium assemblages. As the large scale recumbent folding and thrusting of F1 and F2 phases belong to the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny, the metamorphism in the Jutogh Series could not have been Precambrian in age.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer-Verlag.
ID Code:31143
Deposited On:05 Mar 2011 04:50
Last Modified:09 Jun 2011 10:07

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