Size-dependent linear and non-linear optical response of single carrier two-dimensional quantum dots

Ghosh, Manas ; Bhattacharyya, S. P. (2008) Size-dependent linear and non-linear optical response of single carrier two-dimensional quantum dots Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69 (4). pp. 981-991. ISSN 0022-3697

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We explore the pattern of size dependence of linear and non-linear optical (NLO) responses of one-electron quantum dots in two dimensions with or without anharmonicity in the confinement potential. For some fixed values of transverse magnetic field strength (ωc) and harmonic confinement potential (ω0), the influence of the size of the dot on the linear (α), the first (β) and the second (γ) NLO responses of the system computed through a finite field linear variational route is analysed. Size-dependent maximization is predicted to be feasible for the quadratic hyperpolarizability.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:A. Nanostructures; A. Optical Materials; D. Anharmonicity; D. Optical Properties; D. Electronic Structure
ID Code:2991
Deposited On:09 Oct 2010 10:23
Last Modified:20 May 2011 06:11

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