Polycyclic rearrangements: novel lewis acid-catalysed rearrangement of the pentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,9]undecane framework; X-ray crystal structure of 1,10-dimethylpentacyclo[,6.03,10.04,8]- undecane-9,11-dione

Mehta, Goverdhan ; Veera Reddy, A. ; Tacreiter, Wanda ; Stanley Cameron, T. (1983) Polycyclic rearrangements: novel lewis acid-catalysed rearrangement of the pentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,9]undecane framework; X-ray crystal structure of 1,10-dimethylpentacyclo[,6.03,10.04,8]- undecane-9,11-dione Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (8). pp. 441-443. ISSN 0022-4936

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Official URL: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/1983...

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39830000441


The pentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,9]undecane-8,11-dione derivatives (4) and (5) on exposure to boron trifluoridediethyl ether undergo a hitherto unknown rearrangement to the novel pentacyclo[,6.03,10.04,8]- undecane ring system (7) and (8).

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Royal Society of Chemistry.
ID Code:29299
Deposited On:17 Dec 2010 08:15
Last Modified:17 Dec 2010 08:15

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