Asymptotic behavior of the pion electromagnetic form factors in Bethe-Salpeter model

Biswas, S. N. ; Singh, Santokh ; Vidhani, Thakur (1974) Asymptotic behavior of the pion electromagnetic form factors in Bethe-Salpeter model Annals of Physics, 83 (1). pp. 158-168. ISSN 0003-4916

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Asymptotic behavior of the pion form factors has been discussed treating pion as a bound state of the elementary nucleon and antinucleon system. The matrix-element of the electromagnetic current is written in terms of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude for the nucleon-antinucleon bound system. Using suitable approximations the Bethe-Salpeter equation for nucleon-antinucleon bound state with nucleons as Dirac spinors has been solved and the corresponding off-shell pion form factors are determined. The form factors are strongly interaction dependent. For coupling g2/16π2 = 15/4 the form factors vanish asymptotically like t-1 and for 14/4 < g2/16π2 < 15/4 the form factors still vanish but less rapidly than t-1.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:26195
Deposited On:06 Dec 2010 12:56
Last Modified:23 May 2011 05:22

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