Opposite effects of interactions and disorder on the switching properties of the spin transition compound [FeII(L)2][ClO4]2·C7H8

Mishra, Haritosh ; Mishra, Vibha ; Varret, Francois ; Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath ; Balde, Cherif ; Desplanches, Cedric ; Letard, Jean-Francois (2009) Opposite effects of interactions and disorder on the switching properties of the spin transition compound [FeII(L)2][ClO4]2·C7H8 Polyhedron, 28 (9-10). pp. 1678-1683. ISSN 0277-5387

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We report on a detailed analysis of the thermal transition hysteresis loop and the relaxation curves of the recently investigated compound [FeII(L)2][ClO4]2·C7H8 [V. Mishra et al., Inorg. Chem. (2008)]. We developed a variant of a previous kinetic cooperative model, modified for including short-range and long-range Gaussian distributions of energy parameters. The resulting set of coupled master equations was solved numerically for the dynamic and the quasi-static case. We have elucidated the various correlations between the distribution widths and the long-range interaction parameter, which basically have opposite effects. It is shown that presence of a steep hysteresis loop may hide a sizable short-range distribution, while the stretched character of the relaxation curves may also hide the presence of strong interactions. We also show that the coherent analysis of the set of relaxation curves at different temperatures does not allow to disentangle properly all the relevant parameters. We discuss these data with respect to the other photomagnetic experiments, T(LIESST) curve and light-induced thermal hysteresis (LITH) loop, and finally we try to address the question of the real nature of the cooperative relaxation process.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Spin-crossover; Thermal Hysteresis; Relaxation Curves; Light-induced Thermal Hysteresis; Cooperative Kinetic Model
ID Code:26014
Deposited On:04 Dec 2010 10:39
Last Modified:02 Mar 2011 09:04

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