Alkaloids of Cocculus laurifolius D.C.

Bhakuni, Dewan S. ; Jain, Sudha (1980) Alkaloids of Cocculus laurifolius D.C. Tetrahedron, 36 (20-21). pp. 3107-3114. ISSN 0040-4020

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Ten new abnormal Erythrina alkaloids, isococculidine, isococculine, coccuvine, coccuvinine, cocculitine, cocculitinine, coccudinone, cocculimine, coccudienone, coccoline and coccolinine have been isolated from the leaves of Cocculus laurifolius D.C. and their structures and stereochemistry is assigned by chemical transformations and spectral studies. The known proaporphine alkaloid stepharine and the morphinandienone alkaloid, sebiferine have also been isolated for the first time from the plant.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:2295
Deposited On:07 Oct 2010 11:22
Last Modified:16 May 2011 07:32

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