Pharmacokinetics and phototoxicity of purpurin-18 in human colon carcinoma cells using liposomes as delivery vehicles

Sharma, Sulbha ; Dube, Alok ; Bose, Biplab ; Gupta, Pradeep K. (2006) Pharmacokinetics and phototoxicity of purpurin-18 in human colon carcinoma cells using liposomes as delivery vehicles Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 57 (4). pp. 500-506. ISSN 0344-5704

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Pharmacokinetics and phototoxicity of purpurin-18 (Pp18) in human colon carcinoma cells (Colo-205) was studied using liposomes as delivery vehicles. Cytotoxicity was measured using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and neutral red uptake assay, and mode of cell death was assessed by the study of cell morphology and nuclear staining with Hoechst 33342-propidium iodide. Pp18 solubilized in dimethyl sulfoxide saline solution was observed to aggregate (Q-band absorption 740 nm), resulting in very poor cellular uptake. Pp18 incorporated in liposome remained in monomeric form (Q-band absorption 695 nm), but due to the presence of an anhydride ring in the molecule it readily yielded another photosensitizer, chlorin p6 (Q-band absorption 662 nm). Measurements at various pH showed that Pp18 in liposome was stable at acidic pH (6.5). Incubation of cells with 6.0 μM Pp18 in liposome at pH 6.5 showed a rapid cellular uptake. Spectrofluorometric measurements showed the presence of both Pp18 and chlorin p6, indicating conversion of some amount of Pp18 into chlorin p6 in the cells. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the fluorescence was localized mainly in the cytoplasm, sparing the nucleus. Illumination of cells to white light after 4-h incubation with Pp18 liposome preparation was observed to lead to dose-dependent decrease in cell viability. At low irradiation time, cells displayed formation of plasma membrane blebs and micronuclei typical of apoptotic cell death. In contrast, at higher irradiation time, cell swelling and vacuolization in nucleus was observed, suggesting cell death due to necrosis. Irradiation with narrow bandwidth light showed that at low pH, the relative phototoxicity due to pp18 was higher than that due to chlorin p6. It is suggested that the pH-dependent conversion of pp18 to chlorin p6 can be exploited to increase PDT selectivity.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer-Verlag.
Keywords:Apoptosis; Drug Delivery; Necrosis; Photodynamic Therapy; Photosensitizers
ID Code:22301
Deposited On:23 Nov 2010 08:51
Last Modified:02 Jun 2011 06:52

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