Mossbauer spectroscopy of iridium compounds. Part II. Some iridium(I) complexes

Williams, Alan F. ; Bhaduri, Sumit ; Maddock, Alfred G. (1975) Mossbauer spectroscopy of iridium compounds. Part II. Some iridium(I) complexes Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions . pp. 1958-1962. ISSN 1472-7773

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Mossbauer spectra of 13 four-co-ordinate, formally IrI, species are reported. The comparatively small differences in the electronic environments of the iridium nuclei in these complexes are attributed to the interaction between the metal-ligand bonds in these molecules leading to compensation effects. This interpretation of the data is confirmed by changes in the 31P n.m.r. parameters of the phosphine ligands and of (CO) in the carbonyl ligand.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Royal Society of Chemistry.
ID Code:2176
Deposited On:08 Oct 2010 07:39
Last Modified:18 Jan 2011 08:21

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