Occurrence of multiple period-doubling bifurcation route to chaos in periodically pulsed chaotic dynamical systems

Venkatesan, A. ; Parthasarathy, S. ; Lakshmanan, M. (2003) Occurrence of multiple period-doubling bifurcation route to chaos in periodically pulsed chaotic dynamical systems Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 18 (4). pp. 891-898. ISSN 0960-0779

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We consider the effect of discrete-time signal or periodically pulsed forcing on chaotic dynamical systems and show that the systems can undergo novel multiple period-doubling bifurcations prior to the onset of chaos, followed by a rich variety of dynamical phenomena including enlarged periodic windows, attractor crises, distinctly modified bifurcation structures and so on. Under certain circumstances, these systems also admit transcritical bifurcations preceding the onset of multiple period-doubling bifurcations. These properties are demonstrated for the case of Duffing oscillator. We also explain the occurrence of multiple period-doubling by means of a periodically forced logistic map.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:19351
Deposited On:22 Nov 2010 12:45
Last Modified:07 Jun 2011 06:18

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