Parameter estimation in spatially extended systems: the karhunen-loeve and galerkin multiple shooting approach

Ghosh, Anandamohan ; Kumar, V. Ravi ; Kulkarni, B. D. (2001) Parameter estimation in spatially extended systems: the karhunen-loeve and galerkin multiple shooting approach Physical Review E, 64 (5). 056222_1-056222_8. ISSN 1063-651X

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Parameter estimation for spatiotemporal dynamics for coupled map lattices and continuous time domain systems is shown using a combination of multiple shooting, Karhunen-Loeve decomposition and Galerkin's projection methodologies. The resulting advantages in estimating parameters have been studied and discussed for chaotic and turbulent dynamics using small amounts of data from subsystems, availability of only scalar and noisy time series data, effects of space-time parameter variations, and in the presence of multiple time scales.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:17297
Deposited On:16 Nov 2010 08:01
Last Modified:17 May 2016 01:57

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