Conductance quantization in a periodically modulated quantum channel: backscattering and mode mixing

Deo, P. Singha ; Gupta, B. C. ; Jayannavar, A. M. ; Peeters, F. M. (1998) Conductance quantization in a periodically modulated quantum channel: backscattering and mode mixing Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 58 (16). pp. 10784-10788. ISSN 1098-0121

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It is known that the conductance of a quantum point contact is quantized in units of 2e2/h and this quantization is destroyed by a nonadiabatic scatterer in the point contact, due to backscattering. Recently, it was shown [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 137 (1993)] that, taking many nonadiabatic scatterers periodically in a quantum channel, the quantization can be recovered. We study this conductance quantization of a periodic system in the presence of a strong defect. A periodic arrangement of double stubs gives remarkable quantization of conductance. A periodic arrangement of double constrictions also gives a very good quantization only when the separation between the constrictions is small. We conclude that conductance quantization of a periodically modulated channel is robust.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:14372
Deposited On:12 Nov 2010 09:02
Last Modified:16 May 2016 23:22

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