Toeplitz operators and Hilbert modules on the symmetrized polydisc

Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar ; Krishna Das, B. ; Sau, Haripada (2022) Toeplitz operators and Hilbert modules on the symmetrized polydisc International Journal of Mathematics, 33 (12). ISSN 0129-167X

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When is the collection of S-Toeplitz operators with respect to a tuple of commuting bounded operators S=(S1,S2,…,Sd−1,P), which has the symmetrized polydisc as a spectral set, nontrivial? The answer is in terms of powers of P as well as in terms of a unitary extension. En route, the Brown–Halmos relations are investigated. A commutant lifting theorem is established. Finally, we establish a general result connecting the C*-algebra generated by the commutant of S and the commutant of its unitary extension R.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to World Scientific Publishing Co Pvt Ltd.
ID Code:134412
Deposited On:06 Jan 2023 07:57
Last Modified:09 Jan 2023 10:15

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