The 2D QUADSHIFT experiment: Separation of deuterium chemical shifts and quadrupolar couplings by two-dimensional solid-state MAS NMR spectroscopy

Chandrakumar, Narayanan ; von Fircks, Gero ; Günther, Harald (1994) The 2D QUADSHIFT experiment: Separation of deuterium chemical shifts and quadrupolar couplings by two-dimensional solid-state MAS NMR spectroscopy Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 32 (7). pp. 433-435. ISSN 0749-1581

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The two-dimensional QUADSHIFT experiment is introduced, which permits the separation of chemical shifts and quadrupolar couplings in solid-state magic angle spinning NMR spectra of powder samples. The technique was applied to partially deuteriated norcamphor and camphor under slow magic angle spinning. Double quantum chemical shift resolutions down to 0.2 ppm were achieved, with double quantum linewidths in the range 6–12 Hz. Separation and correlation of deuterium chemical shifts and quadrupolar couplings is demonstrated for individual sites.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to John Wiley & Sons, Inc
ID Code:134244
Deposited On:05 Jan 2023 11:11
Last Modified:05 Jan 2023 11:11

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