Dinoflagellates cyst assemblage concerning trophic index for eutrophication from major ports along the west coast of India

Rodrigues, R.V. ; Patil, J.S. ; Anil, A.C. (2022) Dinoflagellates cyst assemblage concerning trophic index for eutrophication from major ports along the west coast of India Marine Pollution Bulletin, 176 . p. 113423. ISSN 0025326X

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Official URL: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113423

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113423


An overview of dinoflagellates cysts assemblage is presented as a trophic index for three monsoon-influenced estuarine and marine ports along the Indian coast. The cyst distribution (including harmful species) showed a trend of highest abundance and species number in highly eutrophicated estuarine (Cochin-south) followed by medium (New-Mangalore-central) and low (Kandla-north) levels of eutrophicated marine ports. The investigation revealed four new species in the region (Bitectatodinium spongium, Gonyaulax elongatum, Brigantedinium sp. and potential harmful species Blixaea quinquecornis-cyst similar to planktonic). Autotrophs dominance in the highly productive Cochin and New-Mangalore ports reveals that, in eutrophic systems, heterotrophs need not always be dominant. The indicator taxa (Polykrikos, Protoperidnium, and Lingulodinium) presence in high density indicated a eutrophic system. This study concludes cyst (species numbers/Fisher-α index/indicator species) as potential eutrophication proxies and emphasizes greater harmful-algal-bloom risks in the high trophic-index ports (Cochin and New-Mangalore).

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords:Dinoflagellate cyst, Ports, Eutrophication, Trophic index, Harmful Algal Blooms
ID Code:130556
Deposited On:30 Nov 2022 11:36
Last Modified:30 Nov 2022 11:36

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