Interactive deduplication using active learning

Sarawagi, Sunita ; Bhamidipaty, Anuradha (2002) Interactive deduplication using active learning SIGKDD Explorations . p. 269. ISSN 1931-0145

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Deduplication is a key operation in integrating data from multiple sources. The main challenge in this task is designing a function that can resolve when a pair of records refer to the same entity in spite of various data inconsistencies. Most existing systems use hand-coded functions. One way to overcome the tedium of hand-coding is to train a classifier to distinguish between duplicates and non-duplicates. The success of this method critically hinges on being able to provide a covering and challenging set of training pairs that bring out the subtlety of deduplication function. This is non-trivial because it requires manually searching for various data inconsistencies between any two records spread apart in large lists.We present our design of a learning-based deduplication system that uses a novel method of interactively discovering challenging training pairs using active learning. Our experiments on real-life datasets show that active learning significantly reduces the number of instances needed to achieve high accuracy. We investigate various design issues that arise in building a system to provide interactive response, fast convergence, and interpretable output.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Association for Computing Machinery
ID Code:128419
Deposited On:20 Oct 2022 09:14
Last Modified:20 Oct 2022 09:14

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