Lithium substitution in LaMnO3: synthesis, structure, and properties of LaMn1-xLixO3 perovskites

Serpil Gonen, Z. ; Gopalakrishnan, J. ; Sirchio, Scott A. ; Eichhorn, B. W. ; Smolyaninova, Vera ; Greene, Richard L. (2001) Lithium substitution in LaMnO3: synthesis, structure, and properties of LaMn1-xLixO3 perovskites Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 159 (1). pp. 68-71. ISSN 0022-4596

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LaMn1-xLixO3 perovskites have been synthesized by a flux method using LiCl. Substitution of Li+ creates mixed-valent manganese according to the formula LaMn3+1-3xMn4+2xLi+xO3, for 0.10≤x≤0.20. At low values of x, additional vacancies are found on the perovskite A and B sites. All the members crystallize in the rhombohedral (R-3c) perovskite structure and are semiconducting with no long-range magnetic order. The samples show spin-glass-like short-range magnetic correlations at low temperatures and Curie-Weiss behavior above ca. 150 K. The x=0.05 and 0.10 samples show a magnetoresistive effect of ~90% at 50 K and 8.5 T. The effect of Li+ substitution in LaMnO3 cannot be explained on the basis of a simple percolation model.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:12546
Deposited On:13 Nov 2010 13:22
Last Modified:02 Jun 2011 10:56

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