Alterations in early biochemical events following t cell activation in leprosy patients

Sharma, Nidhi ; Sharma, V. K. ; Gupta, Anu ; Kaur, Inderjeet ; Kaur, Sukhbir ; Ganguly, N. K. (1998) Alterations in early biochemical events following t cell activation in leprosy patients Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 88 (2). pp. 142-149. ISSN 0090-1229

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The early events of activation and cytokine profiles (IL-2, 4, and 6) were studied in lymphocytes of paucibacillary (TT/BT) and multibacillary (BL/LL) leprosy patients after stimulation with PMA/A23187 andMycobacterium lepraeantigen (PGL-1). Lymphocytes from BT/TT patients showed proliferation in response to both PMA/A23187 and PGL-1 compared to BL/LL. The levels of early activation signaling molecules such as IP3, calcium, and protein kinase C (PKC) in the particulate fraction were found to be elevated in BT/TT and BL/LL patients and showed a further significant increase after stimulation with PMA/A23187 in BT/TT patients. PGL-1 marginally increased the IP3 levels in BT/TT patients, whereas in BL/LL patients, it had no effect. The levels of IL-2 were enhanced in lymphocytes of BT/TT leprosy patients and were further augmented by PPD and PGL-1, while the levels of IL-4 and IL-6 were increased in LL/BL lymphocytes and further augmented by PGL-1. Thus PGL-1 seems to be a major culprit in inducing the TH2-type cytokine response observed in lepromatous leprosy patients.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Leprosy; T Lymphocyte; Intracellular Signals; Cytokines; Immunophenotyping
ID Code:12194
Deposited On:10 Nov 2010 04:33
Last Modified:31 May 2011 10:25

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