Nanoparticles of superconducting γ-Mo2N and δ-MoN

Gomathi, A. ; Sundaresan, A. ; Rao, C.N.R. (2007) Nanoparticles of superconducting γ-Mo2N and δ-MoN Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 180 (1). pp. 291-295. ISSN 0022-4596

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We have been able to prepare nanoparticles ({approx}4 nm diameter) of cubic {gamma}-Mo{sub 2}N by a simple procedure involving the reaction of MoCl{sub 5} with urea at 873 K. The nanoparticles show a superconducting transition around 6.5 K. The {gamma}-Mo{sub 2}N nanoparticles are readily transformed to nanoparticles of {delta}-MoN with a slightly larger diameter on heating in a NH{sub 3} atmosphere at 573 K. Phase-pure {delta}-MoN obtained by this means shows a superconducting transition around 5 K. - Graphical abstract: TEM image of the {gamma}-Mo{sub 2}N particles with the inset showing the resistivity of the sample as a function of temperature.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:120127
Deposited On:23 Jun 2021 05:56
Last Modified:23 Jun 2021 05:56

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