Reconstructing a light pseudoscalar in the Type-X two Higgs doublet model

Chun, Eung Jin ; Dwivedi, Siddharth ; Mondal, Tanmoy ; Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup (2017) Reconstructing a light pseudoscalar in the Type-X two Higgs doublet model Physics Letters B, 774 . pp. 20-25. ISSN 0370-2693

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We investigate the detectability as well as reconstructibility of a light pseudoscalar particle A, of mass in the 50 - 60 GeV range, which is still allowed in a Type-X (lepton-specific) two-Higgs doublet scenario. Such a pseudoscalar can be pair-produced in the decay h→AA of the 125 GeV scalar h. The light pseudoscalar in the aforementioned range, helpful in explaining the muon anomalous magnetic moment, has not only substantial branching ratio in the τ+τ channel but also one of about 0.35% in the μ+μ final state. We show how to faithfully reconstruct the A mass using the μ+μ mode, and establish the existence of a pseudoscalar around 50 - 60 GeV, using the process pp→h→AA→μ+μτ+τ. This is the most reliable way of reconstructing the light A mass, and is possible for an integrated luminosity of about 100 fb or less at 14 TeV, with a statistical significance that amounts to discovery.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Two Higgs Doublet Models; Higgs Physics; Extensions of Higgs Sector; Beyond the Standard Model; LHC
ID Code:113744
Deposited On:04 Jun 2018 11:40
Last Modified:04 Jun 2018 11:40

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