Dramatic variation of the multiferroic properties in Sr doped Ca1-xSrxMn7O12

Jain, Parul ; Saha, J. ; Gupta, L. C. ; Patnaik, Satyabrata ; Ganguli, A. K. ; Chatterjee, Ratnamala (2017) Dramatic variation of the multiferroic properties in Sr doped Ca1-xSrxMn7O12 AIP Advances, 7 (5). Article ID 055832. ISSN 2158-3226

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CaMn7O12 is a magnetic multiferroic material, in which large ferroelectric polarization has reportedly been induced by magnetic ordering. In this work, we observe remarkable changes in the spontaneous ferroelectric polarization PS as well as the magnetization M with only 2% Sr doping. In Ca0.98Sr0.02Mn7O12, PS dramatically becomes more than double the PS in the un-doped material and concomitantly M is reduced to less than half of its value therein. Increase of PS together with the decrease of M points out clearly the coupling of PS and M in CaMn7O12. We stress here that as Ca and Sr are isovalent, no charge carriers (electrons and holes) are added in the system due to Sr-doping. X-ray diffraction shows that all our Sr-doped materials Ca1-xSrxMn7O12 (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10) are free from secondary phases. From our work, it becomes clear why SrMn7O12 exhibits no or weak ferroelectricity.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Institute of Physics.
Keywords:Polarization; Doping; Materials Properties; Magnetic Materials; Ferroelectric Materials
ID Code:112037
Deposited On:28 Sep 2017 12:21
Last Modified:28 Sep 2017 12:21

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