The most frequent c.239A>G SNP of NKX2.5 is not involved in Congenital Heart Disease

Dinesh, S. M. ; Kusuma, L. ; Ramachandra, N. B. (2010) The most frequent c.239A>G SNP of NKX2.5 is not involved in Congenital Heart Disease New York Science Journal, 3 (8). pp. 43-47. ISSN 1554-0200

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Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is the most developmental errors in humans, affecting 8 out of 1000 newborns. Cardiac Septal Defects (CSD) constitute the majority of CHD, however, the etiology of CSD remains unclear. About 85 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of NKX2.5 have been associated with various forms of CHD. A total of 150 CHD patients and 70 controls were screened for NKX2.5 SNPs by PCR amplification and direct sequencing, as well as Mass array techniques. The sequence analysis was done by using Accelerys gene software. In this study, six SNPs, c.239A>G (48.66%), c.608A>G (0.6%), c.646C>T (25.33%), c.852G>A (3%), c.896C>A (0.6%) and 1212G>T (40%) were identified, of which c.239A>G was the most frequent in both cases and controls. The SNP c.239A>G (rs2277923), leads into synonymous change of glutamine, in turn, the effect is neutral, thereby its frequency is almost equal in both controls and cases. Therefore, this SNP is not involved in the manifestation of CHD.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Marsland Press.
Keywords:NKX2.5; Congenital Heart Disease; Mass Array; Direct Sequencing; Accelerys Gene Software
ID Code:111087
Deposited On:31 Jan 2018 11:44
Last Modified:31 Jan 2018 11:44

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