Spin polarized multi-terminal transport in helical edge states

Rao, Sumathi ; Das, Sourin (2012) Spin polarized multi-terminal transport in helical edge states In: APS March Meeting 2012, Feb 27 2012, Boston, Massachusetts.

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We propose a three-terminal spin polarized scanning tunneling microscope setup for probing the helical nature of the edge states that appear in the quantum spin Hall system. We show that the three-terminal tunneling conductance depends on the magnetic anisotropy, i.e., the angle between the magnetization of the tip and the local orientation of the electron spin on the edge. We show that chiral injection of an electron into the helical Luttinger liquid is associated with fractionalization of the spin and charge of the injected electron. Finally, we show that the magnetic anisotropy of the probe also leads to Fabry-Perot like two-terminal resonances in charge transport.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to APS March Meeting 2012
ID Code:109455
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 05:11
Last Modified:01 Feb 2018 05:11

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