DNA-amine interactions: from monolayers to nanoparticles

Ganesh, Krishna N. ; Sastry, Murali (2002) DNA-amine interactions: from monolayers to nanoparticles Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 82 . pp. 105-112. ISSN 0970-4140

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DNA is a polyanionic molecule that can electrostatically interact with positively charged ligands. Interaction with surfactants such as CTAB leads to cooperative binding of detergent molecules through synergistic effects of electrostatic and hydrophobic forces. DNA can also form a monolayer at air-water interface with positively charged octylamine and nanoparticles with cationic lysine capped gold nanoparticles. Formation of such electrostatic composites of DNA has practical implications for developing DNA diagnostic systems and for lipidencapsulated DNA delivery systems.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Institute of Science.
ID Code:10859
Deposited On:09 Nov 2010 04:40
Last Modified:16 May 2016 20:23

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