Phase transition and decomposition of tetraethylammonium tetrahalomanganate in the solid state

De, G. ; Ghosh, A. ; Chaudhuri, N. Ray (1986) Phase transition and decomposition of tetraethylammonium tetrahalomanganate in the solid state Thermochimica Acta, 98 . pp. 367-371. ISSN 0040-6031

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The synthesis, magnetic and electronic spectral studies of tetrahedral tetrahalometallates have drawn much attention since 1958 [1]. A lot of studies have been made with tetraalkyltetrahalometallates due to their temperature-dependent spectral, magnetic, thermal, etc., properties [2]. Tetramethylammoniumtetrahalometallates undergo high-temperature normal phase transition to the incommensurate phase on cooling. The incommensurate phase undergoes a transition to the commensurate phase on further cooling [2]. Low-temperature phase transitions of tetraethylammoniumtetrachlorometallates of first-row transition metals are known [3], but the phase transitions of the corresponding tetrabromo compounds and aboveambient temperature phase transitions of [Net4]2MX4 are not yet reported. The present paper reports the phase transitions of [Net4]2MnX4 (X = Cl or Br) starting from 233 K to their corresponding decomposition temperatures. It also includes their thermal decompositions.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:108482
Deposited On:13 Oct 2017 13:01
Last Modified:13 Oct 2017 13:01

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